Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Challenge of Designing Openness Into eLearning Design

Over the last couple of years I have become increasingly interested in the OER movement, from the angle of getting resources that take away the anxieties with respect to reuse by licensing via Creative Commons but also how we can get teaching staff to design with openness in mind. For example at the institution where I work we have numerous of courses on research methods, end of year projects and project management. What are the commonalities with respect to design and delivery across these courses, what are the specific elements relating to subject discipline?

However, sadly it is unlikely that my team will be involved in nationally funded projects in the future because of capacity and the institutional senior management wants to devolve this engagement locally to schools, therefore my team will not be focusing solely on OER initiative, my professional challenge is to see how I can integrate openness into all our priorities within the team, and then disseminate.