Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Year's Resolution...revisited

New Years Resolutions (1/52) lucidtech

So how many of us have said I must blog more this year hands up! I suddenly can't see the wood for the hands. Motivation is always a challenge in January in fact I am very close to setting up an ePetition to change our calendar from 12 months to 11 months although this would be really unfair for those whose birthday is in January, which includes my niece, so that would be a particularly selfish idea. I think I just accept my sporadic blogging. What's on trend for this year well it seems to be MOOCs Massive Open Online Course   and weather we should believe the hype. For somebody who has been championing OERs for the last 3 years I am quelling my enthusiasm by participating in my first MOOC next week University of Edinburgh's eLearning and Digital Cultures