Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blogger fatigue

Negligent Driver Mike "Dakinewavamon" Kline
I remember in the 1970s there was an advert about driver fatigue something I suffer from several times a week because my round trip to work is over 100 miles and involves over 3 hours of driving. The song went something like "there's a junction coming, there's a junction coming, leave the road". Well it looks like have been off the road far longer than I thought a whole 3 months. So what do you do at a time like this yes google it. So googling blog fatigue I found quite a few blog posts on the matter, so here are my replies to some of the reasons.

tired of blogging? - for me it is more procrastination I even have a scheduled event, I also, have another 2 blogs and 2 web sites to maintain if you want to see my recent post on the Desire2Learn Fusion Conference I attended go to

nothing to blog about? - well I do but maybe I need to do things spontaneously rather than at a certain time and now I have my iPad there is no excuse really and I think I need to be more creative with respect to what I blog about 

it all seems a bit dry - may be less is more and I need more images?